How to Predict the Future by Interpreting Your Dreams

Mallett Ashley
3 min readNov 29, 2020

Step 1


Try to recall your dreams. The first step to predicting the future through dreams to is to remember them. Prophetic dreams, also called “precognitive dreams,” do not occur much, if at all, so you will have to be vigilant when it comes to remembering and reading your dreams. With effort, you can get better at holding onto the dreams, images, and symbols after waking.

When you wake, hold the dream in your mind’s eye. This is when the dream is freshest and before your mind might unwittingly add to it.

Try to recall the whole dream, include places, colors, emotions, and images. Each detail of the dream matters. Try to figure where you were, what you were doing, who else appeared in your dream, and what was the interaction between you and others.

Focus on these images rather than a narrative. Dreams are often just a series of images and not connected in a coherent way, and our mind later orders them.

Step 2


Keep a dream journal. Putting down the dream in writing will help you to reinforce it in your memory. Start a notebook dedicated to your dreams, using it to record images and sequence whenever possible, improving your recall.

Place the dream journal near your bed. That way, you can grab it immediately after waking up and record what you experienced.

Having your dreams in a notebook will also be useful when you start your analysis. You will be able to compare dreams with those in the past, contrast symbols, and also have a handy reference.

Step 3


Pay attention to context. In reading dreams, you’ll need to focus on several factors. One of these is context and setting. Pay attention to where dreams occur, what it is like, and whether or not the setting is familiar to you.

Did your dream occur somewhere that you have been before, for example? Or perhaps it was a strange location or even your mind’s invention? These details could point to meaning.

Be aware of the dream’s time-frame. For example, while some dreams take place at an indeterminate time, others are vaguely in the future or have a clear date.

Note any associations that you have with a dream’s context, as well. Were you at your late grandparents’ farm? Maybe you were at church. Write these details down, too.

Step 4


Pay attention to dream figures. Note the people, animals, or other non-human beings that appear to you in dreams and consider your relationship to them. The figures who appear in our dreams can sometimes carry meaning or represent other parts of our psyche, that is, parts of the mind that might want to give you a message.

Record who these figures are and what they do in your dream, making sure to analyze how they interact with you. Be as specific as possible.

People in your dreams may not represent anything out of the ordinary. For instance, if you dream about an ex-boyfriend, he might simply represent your ex-boyfriend.

Sometimes, however, figures appear in dreams that carry messages. Figures with whom you have a less direct personal relationship can especially be these harbingers of news — or even of the future.



Mallett Ashley

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.